DESIGN AnnaSofia Mååg & Niklas Byman PHOTO Asaf Kliger

“CLEAR WATER deals with the survival of the fittest, the next generation, the balance of life and death, and the pure water we all depend on”. On a sharp rectangular block, lionesses with their cubs cautiously crouch down, drinking from the nourishing water. In front of the pride, the towering lion. A Biblical allusion, the male embodies the border between good and evil, while the drinking dectet alludes to a much-celebrated art piece. Find the hidden symbolism behind CLEAR WATER by Mååg and Byman. An ode to the lioness, drinking water and a very famous painting, it acknowledges some of the most universal and primitive topics.
ICEHOTEL #30 / 2019 / CLEAR WATER / Niklas Byman / AnnaSofia Mååg
Niklas Byman & AnnaSofia Mååg / Photo Asaf Kliger
Maquette (scaling 1:10) for the big male…

Follow the White Rabbit . . .

. . . by AnnaSofia Mååg and Niklas Byman is one of the art suites at this years seasonal ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.

ICEHOTEL 28 is now open for the season and here you can find 15 individually created art suites by artists from all over the world:

Learn more about The Rabbit suite here:

Photo by Asaf Kliger


KONSTMUSEET I NORR bjuder in till konsthelg i samarbete med

skulptören AnnaSofia Mååg


ICEHOTEL i Jukkasjärvi

Välkommen att under en helg se och uppleva utställningen POP_IN (Konsthantverkarna) i Kiruna Stadshus, ta del av intressanta föreläsningar samt få höra mer om ICEHOTELs konst och själv prova på isskulptering i Jukkasjärvi!

10763227855_dc49e8d151_o kopia

Lördag 23 – söndag 24 april 2016 
Anmälan till senast måndag 4 april.
Se hela programmet här: Program
Konstmuseet i Norr

Elephant in the Room / Art Suite at Icehotel 26

Elephant in the Room by AnnaSofia Mååg is one of the art suites at this years Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.

AnnaSofia made her first art work for Icehotel in 2006. Since then she has created six art suites on her own and been involved in several of Icehotel’s art projects. Since five years she is also teaching ice sculpting during the winter seasons in Jukkasjärvi.

Icehotel #26 is now open for the season and here you can find nineteen individually created art suites by artists from all over the world.

For more info visit

Read articles in DAILYMAIL.CO.UK / design boom / Aftonbladet 

See movie from Channel 4 in UK 

Press release December 2015, ICEHOTEL,  Elephant in the Room design by  AnnaSofia Mååg (Sweden)

Photo: Asaf Kliger